Sunday, July 20, 2008


I just wonder, is anyone else standing at their kitchen sink kneading their breasts and squirting breastmilk into mashed avocado right now?

It seems undignified somehow.


Deborah said...

Yes, it is. But so is a whole lot of mothering and parenting, if by dignified we mean the behaviour exemplified by adults without children.

Stegetronium said...

That's exactly it, isn't it?
Even breastfeeding itself - I refuse to use those little cubicles provided in shopping centres for us to hide in - I'm breastfeeding, not defaecating!

E. from Pot o' Gold said...

As I was cleaning up the poo on the floor today (since we left the Little Man diaper-less for too long), I felt the same way...

Anonymous said...

Aah, poo...apparently that's a whole new world as we move to solids.

Karrie42 said...

LOL - I've been there! And my partner came in the kitchen, took one look at me and said, "I really didn't need to see that." So much for romance that night!

blue milk said...

No, but I remember doing it. It is an odd moment I agree.