Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Apologise for interruption in transmission

We're down in Byron Bay for a week's holiday. Only have dial-up, can you imagine? Back next week and I'll tell you all about the babies' naming ceremony, which is why we are here. And any other deep thoughts I have during a week of walking along crisp isolated beaches.


Deborah said...

Oh... I hope all four of you have a lovely holiday together.

Me - I'm just blog neglecting through too much work ( = no work/life balance) and lots of lovely parents' visiting, which means lots of staying up late talking and drinking. My parents are such a bad influence on me.

See you on the sane side of the work life balance in about a week.

nicky glover said...

hi molly&lou
greetings from federal!
firstly thankyou so much for all the gorgeous baby clothes. we were very touched and appreciate your generosity.
we are waiting for the stork to fly by...thank goodness for the olympics..our baby is going for gold!
we are a week over and so the birth is imminent. it's a wonderous surreal twilight zone knowing what lies just ahead...but not knowing at the same time
just watched the 'amazing dancing baby'...your babies are so divine.
sorry we haven't got to see you in person yet, but hopefully next time.
again thanks so much