Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Aren't I entitled to sick leave?

I can't talk. My throat hurts, my ears hurt.
The kids are streaming snot, coughing helplessly and crying constantly.
We all have temperatures.
I just want to SLEEEEP.

It's hell, I tell you. Hell.

PS Lovergirl works in private practice, so she can't take a day off unless it's a real crisis, but even if she worked in place with parental leave, she wouldn't get it. Because of, you know.


E. from Pot o' Gold said...

Oh, god, I'm sorry. I remember when the three of us were sick last winter. It was hell, and you have double the babies. I hope everyone gets better soon (or that you can call family or friends to come help)!!

JahTeh said...

I feel for you. When I was sick all I could think of was how on earth did I look after kids, dogs, cats and useless husband. I hope you get better soon.

Armagny said...

We got some sort of gastro that beat both Beloved and I into the couches. We were in hell. And poor Bear had gotten over the same thing just a few days earlier with only a minor grizzle.

It was hell, especially forcing ourselves to stay 'chipper' and keep trying to interact with and entertain Bear, as she charged around taking no prisoners...