Friday, October 24, 2008

Is it -ough as in 'cough' or -ough as in 'bough'?

I'm in a slough.

I don't know how to pronounce it, but I can recognise the damp muddy walls.

This parenting gig is hard, unremitting work.

I mean, clearly these are the most gorgeous, charming, clever and endearing babies since we started reproducing by mitosis and instead of Adam's ribs. But still, it'd be nice to finish a train of thought occasionally through the day. Or a cup of tea.

And now that I've got this business thingy I'm trying to work on, I'm hankering for a decent chunk of time occasionally, to write business plans and financial forecasts and whatnot.

I'm still thoroughly committed to the kids being cared for at home for at least the first couple of years. For me keeping them at home is giving them the best start I can (I also occasionally ponder home schooling but I'm pretty sure that's beyond me). But the thought of dropping them off at a nice caring day centre while I swan about in front of a computer, having tea breaks and other luxuries, wearing clothes that don't have pawpaw smeared all down the front of them... well, it has a certain appeal.

There's more but I must go - I'm making chocolate banana muffins for a school film shoot tomorrow. Muffins are crucial to film shoots, in case you didn't know.


E. from Pot o' Gold said...

I think it's one of the toughest jobs out there. Hang in there. I keep hearing parents of older kids saying that they are so glad they stayed home because these years fly by so fast and you never get them back.

JahTeh said...

This is the statement I constantly throw at people who don't think lesbians should have families, that if they're willing to go through the worst but most rewarding job in the world then they should be congratulated. And don't let anyone tell you it isn't rocket science, because it's much harder and you get less pay.

Deborah said...

clearly these are the most gorgeous, charming, clever and endearing babies since we started reproducing by mitosis and instead of Adam's ribs.

Well, of course! Actually, going by the photos, they are gorgeous babies.

And yes - hang in there. But also, a bit of day care isn't the end of the world.