Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Oh for a hot shower

We moved house on the weekend. Out to the 'burbs of Brisbane in preparation for the impending additions. Funky New Farm was fantastic but I couldn't figure out how to get the twin pram up to the second floor flat. Groovy, tiny, hear-the-neighbours-having-sex flat.
In our new house -
We can't get the hot water to work. We're having bucket baths, Indian style.
The books seem to have procreated during the move and there are at least two whole bookshelves worth of books that don't fit anywhere.
The television aerial doesn't fit into the telly so we're getting reacquainted with Scrabble. Lovergirl wins every time. Double word score squares seem to just appear under her otherwise ordinary words.
And the phone company is having trouble finding us ('are you sure you have given us the right address?') so we have no phone. Or internet.
It's prehistoric.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh poor you, and you can't even warm yourself up with red wine! Let me know when you have the phone connected.