Tuesday, November 07, 2006

What, no T-bones?

<-- heavily diguised lovergirl with random child. Arty, hmm?

I just got an invitation in the mail from the local Lesbian Health Worker (what, you don't have one of those?)

Womens BBQ
First Sunday of the Month
BYO Tofu

Somehow I just know I'm not gonna fit in...


Anonymous said...

Greetings! lovely writing, here. I'll stay tuned. Go, twins!

Anonymous said...

Most of the Health Workers out here are lesbian, if that's any consolation.

Anonymous said...

I imagine there will also be quite a bit of herbal tea.

Stegetronium said...

Herbal tea?
Surely not...
Lesbians have such a high rate of alcoholism there's bound to be a beer or two...
Still it is put on by the Health Worker so I presume you're right.