But I'm a little uncertain so here I am up in the middle of the night, googling 'what do labour pains feel like?'
I mean, I know they feel crampy, but how do I tell them from the 'false labour', Braxton Hicks?
My pamphlet says the babies will go very still, which they haven't. They are kicking around quite enthusiastically.
There's no 'water' (ie amniotic fluid which I have recently discovered is mainly baby-wee) gushing out.
My pamphlet says I may feel nauseous. Of course as soon as I read that I started to feel slightly nauseous.
My pamphlet says, 'Go for a walk. False labour contractions will subside while true contractions will get stronger.' It's two o'clock in the morning! Not really the time for a stroll around the block.
They're about fifteen minutes apart. They're very mild, like the warning cramps I get the day before I start bleeding. I'm leaning over the fitball, rocking myself, the way I've been taught in prenatal yoga. I s'pose I'll just wait and see. If you don't see a post from me later this morning, you'll know where I am...
Back to do more googling.
Happy 52nd Birthday, PFLAG!
On March 11, 1973, Jeanne Manford, a teacher, and her husband Jules, a
dentist, at the urging of their gay son Morty, held the first meeting of
what woul...
1 day ago
hello. wow. this doesn't really seem the opportune moment to delurk, but i'm delurking anyway - i love your blog and i wish you all the best! (found you via 3rdcat) if this doesn't turn out to be the big day, then maybe a meme would be a welcome distraction - i'm tagging you for the 'earliest memory' meme - just write about your earliest memory. (i thought of you cos you're little ones will be forming their own earliest memories soon enough.) but i understand there could be more pressing matters on your mind...
Oh, it's always a pleasure when someone delurks! Thanks for the tag - if I'm not in labour it's mostly just passing the time at the moment...
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