I was going to liveblog my first day home on my own with the twins yesterday.
This is what I managed to write in my notebook (nowadays with blogging I scribble down what I want to say as I go, then transcribe it when I have a moment):
8.30a.m -
"Yet here is the rub for us as gay people: we have a choice. Unlike most minority groups, many of us have the option of 'passing', of playing the game, of seeking to become, or to remain part of the included. Sometimes this seems a matter of survival - but there is a deep seduction here too." Michael B Kelly, Seduced By Grace.
Every time you post a photo, all I can think is 'Oh twins.....oh they're perfect...' and I don't really pay as much attention as I should to what you've actually written. Sorry.
Huh, the curse of the stay-at-home mum. No one listens to me anymore.
Tell me about that!
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