Just to remind you, twin feeding looks like this (note: this is not me -

Dad wanted to come for a week. 'Just come for three days,' I insisted. 'If you want to come for longer, I'll buy you another plane ticket.'
'No, no, it is a week that I want to come,' he says.
I booked him flights for three days, saying he could extend it if he wanted.
Yesterday (after three scream-filled days) I dropped him at the station.
'I think that is a good length of time that I was here,' he said.
'Good,' I said. 'I'll book you some more tickets. When do you want to come again?'
'Maybe next year,' he said.
That made me smile! A year. Go Dad.
Jesse xx
The best part of being a grandparent is handing them back and loving them long distance. My Granddaughter turns 15 next week but I still remember every minute of the day she was born.
>not up for my breasts splayed all over the internet yet<
Oh whyever not!
After seeing this post today, I thought there was a case for a new cateogry of mummy-porn: http://abirdsnest.wordpress.com/
lol ! - poor old dad ;)
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