Monday, November 27, 2006

Traffic directing

<-- What a waste it is, to do all this travelling and spend all day in a training room, not appreciating the spectacular locations. Right now I'm on the Sunshine Coast, north of Brisbane. My hotel is right on the beach; the ocean is roaring outside my window. I didn't pull the blinds down last night and the sun, mirrored off the sea, awoke me at 5.11 am. After a cup of tea in bed I was up, walking along the beach, by 6am. I'm back here again in February - anyone want to join me?

To avoid accusations of wallowing, I thought I'd better change the subject from our failed babymaking attempt. Every now and then (I don't want you to think I spend too much time thinking about blogging when I'm not actually doing it; that would be just over the top) I muse on how I would really like to share my favourite bloggers, in particular:

  • Katya, you'd really like ThirdCat - essential reading for any smart stay-at- home mother of young boys. Heather, you'd like it too, but you're new to blogland so it may be too much of a leap (Katya - you remember Heather, my best friend from high school, fantastic musician, I shared that house in Sth Yarra with her? And Heather - Katya was my best friend from uni - you met her a few times. Heather has three boys, some of whom I think are the same age as yours K.)
  • Mel & Mona, you need to head over to Comicstriphero - sarky Canberra dyke who watches way too much Idol
  • Danny you must check out Beware of the God - as a fellow survivor of extremely religious parents you'll understand my fascination with keeping track of the latest ridiculous activities of those of a Higher Spiritual Path. You'll also like Rodney Croome's blog for updates on gay rights stuff all around Australia, although he can come across, Phillip Adams style, as a tad self-important - but I guess that's okay, he has had a huge impact on gay & lesbian rights in Australia.
  • Lovergirl have a look at Personal Political - she's kind of my role model for how I want to be by the time I'm fifty - smart, confident, informed and opinionated, not to mention parenting ! If you get a chance check out Elsewhere too, she's the Alice ashtanga yogini creative writing triathlete, I bet you know people in common...six degrees and all that. If I can't become Susoz at PP, I want to be El, okay? Consider yourself warned.
  • Hilary - did I mention how impressed I was by your speech at the HREOC inquiry into gay & lesbian rights? Stunned into silence, I was; I haven't heard you in full flight before. Try Pavlov's Cat; you'll like her style. She pulls everything apart with a few pithy observations.
  • And Grey, of course it has to be Larvateus Prodeo & Global Voices - a left-leaning commentary on Australian politics and a hub of international bloggers.
There. That should keep you all busy for a minute.


Anonymous said...

I shall go straight to ThirdCat's site now, thanks for the tip. And by the way, there is no such thing as TOO MUCH Idol.

Stegetronium said...

oh really? You shock me. I watched part of the final on Sunday night, having just arrived at my hotel room thus having no friends thus flicking though tv channels - felt like a right loser watching Idol and had to turn it off not long after they all walked, self-consciously singing, up the steps of the Opera House with all those fireworks going off...I just didn't get it.

Mind you I must confess I did get addicted to the show when they picked that girlband - bardot - so I do understand the sucked-in-ness that happens. And I was pretty taken with Operatunity. But's always struck me as being kind of, well, juvenile. But EVERYONE I KNOW watches it. Strange.