I never wanted to turn into one of those people who only blogs - or talks - about babies.
What I didn't realise is that there is no room in your brain for anything else. Which is fortunate, because there is no time in the day for anything else either.
I have about ten hours a day sitting down breastfeeding, during which time I could read, but what do I read? Baby care books. Voraciously. I started Geraldine Brooks' March the other day but couldn't cope with the violence - men bayoneted and drowning in the first chapter, slaves whipped in the second - so went back to Your Baby & Toddler.
We're watching lots of videos but I have restricted us to romantic comedies. Lovergirl brought home Candy and I just cried.
We look forward to normal brain transmission resuming soon.
For breastfeeding, I can recommend anything by Bill Bryson. Partly because they are easy and do not make you cry, and partly because you can bend them at the spines and they will hold themselves open. Also, for reading, you need a music stand.
That brought back the most vivid memory of my father sitting at the kitchen table, beer bottle to hand which he checked the racing guide and with one foot kept the bassinet on wheels going at a steady pace to keep grandson asleep.
Well, we're just over 3 months in and our brains have in no way returned to normal. There is nothing other than C and all things baby related right now.
We got to a point where we gave up thinking it would ever change and now have just accepted that forever more it's all about HER!!!
Well, I'm impressed that you're even reading a book. With my first baby I was sooo tired that looking in (not reading)anything more advanced than a magazine was too much...
Good luck with your baby!
Sorry I missed yr call. I figure there's no point in saying that I work on Tues and Thurs, because you probably only know the day if it's related to the babies ie 'Oh, they're 4 weeks old, today must be Wednesday'.
It won't ever go back to 'normal', but that's the wonderful thing about motherhood.
during our intensive breastfeeding times i soaked up five seasons of "bad girls" plus a stack of old press gang episodes.
I went to the library and checked out scads of magazines - I recommend Mothering (if they have it in Oz), or online. I also rented loads of those brat pack 80's movies. They made me laugh...
Apparently noone told you that your brain cells escape through your breastmilk. They do regenerate but it takes years and years and years.....
Oh and the Australian Breastfeeding Association have some top little booklets on breastfeeding that do not require too many brain cells to read.
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